Green Challenge

They want to revolutionize the food industry – with blue mussels

Two DTU students have a solution for how we can meet the endless demand for sustainable protein-rich foods. It's found underwater in the form of blue mussels.

Sigmar Gunnarsson (left) and Sari Guci (right) are the team behind Eat Myt. They've both studied the Master's programme in Technology Entrepreneurship at DTU and graduated in 2024. Photo: Marie Bentzon.
Imagine the classic chicken tenders or frikadelle you find in the supermarket fridge and freezer, ready to be heated up in the pan or oven and replace the main ingredient with a blue mussel-based option. Then you have Eat Myt. Photo: Marie Bentzon.


Once a year, DTU organizes Green Challenge; a student conference where students present their sustainable projects developed as an integrated part of the educational activities.

In addition to the students’ actual sustainable projects, Green Challenge gives the students additional practical experience in areas such as communications and networking. 

That happens in relation to participation in conferences, preparation of abstracts, project presentations to people who do not necessarily have an engineering background, and face-to-face meetings with other students and people from judge panels. 

Moreover, many projects contain elements of innovation.


The entrepreneurship programme Technology Entrepreneurship is designed to drive innovation through diversity, bringing together students from varied backgrounds – from humanities to business studies, and from engineering to social science – to create solutions that make a difference.

Throughout this 2-year entrepreneurial journey, the students will accelerate their learning through doing. Academic learning and hands-on training combine to support their transformation into a technology entrepreneur. They will be part of a team working together in an all-in-one campus equipped with world-class research facilities and their own team start-up lab.

Read more about the Master's degree in Technology Entrepreneurship via this link.