Do you want to be a judge?
You can be a judge at Green Challenge. Here, you can read about what it means to be a judge and how to apply

What does it mean to be a judge at Green Challenge?
Being a judge at Green Challenge is a fun and inspiring way to be updated with the newest knowledge within sustainable technology. You will hear about many exciting sustainable projects, which you will be judging. At Green Challenge, we award the best projects in different categories, including ”Best Bachelor project” and ”Best Master thesis”.
We need you to be a part of our judging panels and assess the students’ projects. Each judging panel will consist of a representative from the business community, a representative from the political community or other public personality, a teacher from DTU and a student from another Danish university or DTU.
Being a judge means that you will read the project descriptions in advance and participate in the conference, where you will assess the projects. We will send the project descriptions and further details to you a few weeks before the conference.
The project descriptions are in English. On the conference day, the students present the Bachelor projects in either Danish or English and the Master theses in English.
How do I become a judge?
If you want to be a part of our Green Challenge judging panel as a representative from the business community, please apply using the following e-mail:
Below you can find links to a couple of videos, to see previous judges share their experience of being a part of the judges panel at Green Challenge. You can also find comments from previous judges.
Samira Nawa from Radikale Venstre
Previous Green Challenge winner
“Fantastic! It’s a great pleasure to serve as a judge at DTU’s Green Challenge. The students are inventive, visionary, talented, cooperative, focused—definitely top marks” - Margrethe Vestager, chairman of the Danish Social Liberal Party.
"Green Challenge is real 'Think Out of the Box'. Here, you see new ideas, which give rise to both reflection and the lust for just bringing these ideas to life. It is all driven by a contagious commitment from all involved." - John Finnich Pedersen, extern consultant, FirstMind Aps, communications director, Siemens.
"As Director of a green company, which works partly with RD&D (research, development and demonstration) and partly with development and buying of start ups, Green Challenge is an amazing opportunity to meet new young talents as well as potential start ups." - Henrik Poulsen, Director, INSERO.
”Green Challenge is an important place in question for the creative innovative capacity, which sustainable development depends on. The many well-considered projects both inspires and can be the beginning of new operations and products, which could solve global problems. You leave Green Challenge in high spirits from the participants’ good energy and ingenuity.”– Anna Mette Monnely, Head of Sustainability, NCC
”Green Challenge is simply so in inspiring to take part in, so much energy in the building with all students presenting their projects. At the same time, it is super interesting to walk with judging panels, where discussions – rather short, but still inspiring – about the projects we are assessing, open your eyes for other ways to see the projects. Often they have international perspectives as well, as the group of 5-6 persons often include people from international universities. So, I set aside the last Friday in June each year for this event at my old school!”– Frank Broderseb, Senior Vice-president, Partnership & Environment, HOFOR
”Green Challenge gives good energy, insight in the newest ideas in green research and the opportunity for meeting Danish and international specialists. A perfect day.” – Nina Movin, CEO, Mønsted
”It was very inspiring to see all the creative and well-considered solutions to solving UN’s Global Goals. I was confirmed in the fact that we, the engineers, are key operators in making the world more sustainable.” – Thomas Damkjær Pedersen, President, IDA
“The Green Challenge event was both successful and well organized and I’m sure that IBM will participate next year.” - Sven Kolstrup, General Manager, IBM Danmark ApS, Senior Project Executive, Global Technology Services
“It was really positive to witness the degree of enterprise and innovation which the students brought to their work—and not least their enthusiasm in their presentations. We will certainly continue participating in the event—and are particularly interested in maintaining dialogue with the students”. - Palle Weidlich, management consultant, Vaeksthus Copenhagen