Assessment criteria

All projects for the Green Challenge are assessed according to the same criteria

As project evaluation is based on an overall assessment, it is good to have the criteria in mind when writing your abstract. On the conference day, the projects are assessed by different panels of judges. You can read more about the actual conference presentation under Prepare presentation.

The projects are solely assessed in relation to other projects in the same category.



Assessment criteria

1. Is the project well-structured and clearly communicated?
Is there a clear thread running throughout the presentation, does the presentation stay within the allotted timeframe, is there cohesion between the visual and oral presentation, and is the message clear?

2To what extent is the positive impact on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) made probable?
Which goal or goals does the project refer to? Does the project demonstrate how it impacts the SDGs?

3. To what extent is it visionary and/or innovative?
Is the project innovative? Are the findings surprising?